Friday, August 11, 2006


Basecamp rollout to NextComp subscribers

We began a pilot rollout of 37signals Basecamp product to a select group of NextComp subscribers in July. It's been a great success both for us at NextComp and for our subscribers. Here are a few of the features of Basecamp:

  • Manage messages (like e-mails but tracked on Basecamp for easy reference later)
  • Upload survey data files for easy transfer and tracking
  • Track to-do items and data loading milestones

Best of all there is really no training required to use the product. It's very easy to respond to messages, create messages, upload files and track to-do's.

We are rolling Basecamp out to all of our subscribers over the next two months.

This will become our standard data loading and project management tool by the end of the year.

We have some more plans for how to use the tool with NextComp in the future. We'll keep you posted.


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