Thursday, August 24, 2006


Presentation at San Diego Compensation and Benefits Association

I’ve just returned from San Diego where I presented at the San Diego Compensation and Benefits Association meeting on Wednesday evening. The group had a good turnout with about 40 people in attendance. I had a chance to demonstrate both NextComp and CompModel to the group. I even had a chance to visit with several people that had stopped by the booth in Anaheim. It was nice to visit and catch up on the status of their market pricing projects.

After the meeting I had a chance to visit the beach near where the meeting was held in La Jolla. I arrived just as all the surfers were coming in for the night. It was like a mass migration of surfers from the water to the beach and up the hill back to their cars. I drove down the beach hoping to find a little Oceanside restaurant. I did manage to find a little community with beach access. I parked the car and walked to the beach where there were about 30 kids playing in the water and in the sand. The hotel next to the beach had spotlights shining out onto the water. It looked like a lot of fun! I stayed for a bit and watched the ocean and then headed back to the hotel.

It’s nice to be back in the office. Especially since this is the busiest time of the year. Now, I have to get back to working on some new NextComp features, working with Elliott on getting CompModel ready for release and of course supervising data loading!


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