Supporting Local Schools
It was a busy month for local schools and foundations. NextComp was a sponsor for the Snoqualmie Elementary School Auction held on March 31st and also the Snoqualmie Schools Foundation breakfast held on March 28th. Both events were very well attended and raised money to support local schools.
Snoqualmie Elementary School Auction
The auction raised twice as much money this year than was expected by the committee! Everyone opened their hearts and pocket books to support the kids. We were treated to a demonstration of a new technology that the school is placing in the classroom. It's called "Activevote" and it lets the kids interact with the teacher and the "Activeboard". The kids can vote for the correct answer to a problem and the kids and teacher get immediate feedback. This allows the teacher to gauge how well the subject is understood by the class. We're very proud to support the auction and the school. Well done everyone!
Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation
The Foundation raises money to support all the schools in the district. Last year they funded a student coaching and counseling support group that trains students in talking with their peers. They also funded the highschool jazz band with a new "vibe", which was being played as part of the jazz band concert before the breakfast. They funded many more projects, but these were two on display and discussed during the breakfast. This year they want to fund a new reading program for all the elementary schools. I think they raised enough money to get the program up and running!
Jeff Cirillo, former Mariners baseball player...
Dennis Bounds, KING 5 news anchor...
Snoqualmie Elementary School Auction
The auction raised twice as much money this year than was expected by the committee! Everyone opened their hearts and pocket books to support the kids. We were treated to a demonstration of a new technology that the school is placing in the classroom. It's called "Activevote" and it lets the kids interact with the teacher and the "Activeboard". The kids can vote for the correct answer to a problem and the kids and teacher get immediate feedback. This allows the teacher to gauge how well the subject is understood by the class. We're very proud to support the auction and the school. Well done everyone!
Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation
The Foundation raises money to support all the schools in the district. Last year they funded a student coaching and counseling support group that trains students in talking with their peers. They also funded the highschool jazz band with a new "vibe", which was being played as part of the jazz band concert before the breakfast. They funded many more projects, but these were two on display and discussed during the breakfast. This year they want to fund a new reading program for all the elementary schools. I think they raised enough money to get the program up and running!
Jeff Cirillo, former Mariners baseball player...
Dennis Bounds, KING 5 news anchor...