Saturday, May 26, 2007


6 Days In Orlando and 2 Days In Plano

The WorldatWork conference and exposition wrapped up on Wednesday, May 9th. Several NextComp subscribers stopped by the booth. Bob and I met many new people at the booth. We also saw many of our friends and colleagues from other companies. We made over 200 new contacts and had a great response to our demos. Thank you to everyone that stopped by the booth.


It was also a great chance to spend some time with my Dad. We visited the Kennedy Space Center...

Saturn V

and Universal Studios.

I was there.

After being back in the office for a week, I headed to Plano, Texas for two days of meetings with EDS. We worked on developing some new features that will enable the market pricing of pay banded jobs and market pricing jobs in a job class with employees in multiple locations. It was an intense but rewarding two days. These features will be finalized and implemented on our production systems over the coming weeks.

Over the next three months we will also be completing the migration of all NextComp user accounts to the new database system. The new system is proving to be roughly 200% faster than the previous system.

And coming later in the summer will be our annual user conference. We'll be holding one in Seattle and one in Boston.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Friday, May 04, 2007


WorldatWork Conference and Exposition 2007

Bob and I are on our way to the 2007 WorldatWork conference and exposition in Orlando, Florida.

I'm sitting in the St. Louis airport in between flights. It's raining like crazy outside. The first thing we saw getting off the plane was a Starbucks. It feels like home!

Bob and I are looking forward to the conference. We appreciate the chance to meet new people and network with our existing customers. This is our one big exposition each year. If you are planning on attending the conference, stop by and say "Hi" at booth 448.

In addition, we are in the planning stages for a 2007 User's Conference to occur late summer of this year. We'll have a one day meeting in the Seattle area and a one day meeting in the Boston area. I am also planning to make site visits to a few other locations over the coming months. We are interested in getting your feedback as we continually enhance NextComp. I'll be contacting each subscriber directly to announce the User's Conference. I'll also post information on the blog.

Now for a more uplifting picture. This was taken yesterday in Preston, Washington. It is an old cherry tree laden with flowers. The branches are just starting to grow leaves.

Blooming Branches
