Saturday, September 29, 2007


My Jobs Updates

We made a few updates to the My Jobs table and the My Job Details page last night.

The My Jobs table had a bug where the column order would change when loading a newly created or edited configuration. We fixed that issue so that the table column order remains in the order you specified.

The other update added the ability to update the Job Group 2 and Job Group 3 fields and fixed a bug where the Incentive Plan field would not always save.

And since it's the first week of Autumn, here's a picture for the season.

A Quiet Street In Fall

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Friday, September 14, 2007


New version of CompModel and Photo Friday

We've been working on a couple of major updates to CompModel, our compensation modeling tool. The first is behind the scenes. Elliott has retooled the data structures to work even faster. The new data structures are about 5 to 10 times faster, so calculating pay increases, merit matrix models, and new ranges structures is even faster. The second update includes a new tool called the "Performance Matrix Model". This tool allows you to create what-if scenarios for merit matrices. You can, for instance, enter a merit budget percentage and the merit performance levels and CompModel will calculate the percent increase for each performance level. It's called the "Goal Seek" scenario. You can model merit matrices for all employees in a structure or divide the pay ranges into quartiles, quintiles or deciles and use a different merit matrix for each segment. It's pretty cool and it's fast! We're working with one of our larger subscribers next week to do some "real life" testing. After that we'll release the tool to the production servers.

You can learn more at

And here's a photo that I took yesterday morning at the "Old Mill Pond" in Snoqualmie, Washington. It was a foggy cool morning with mist hanging on the pond and the sun shining through spots in the fog and reflecting off the water.

Old Mill Pond

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


UPDATE: Subscriber Meeting Date Changed

We've changed the date for the 2007 Subscriber Group meeting being held in Issaquah, Washington.

The new date is Monday, October 22, 2007. Please mark your calendar for the new date.

We changed the date to give ourselves a bit more time to work on some updates we have planned for NextComp.

As always, please feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


My Settings -> Pay Plan (bug fix)

We've just uploaded a minor fix to the My Settings feature of NextComp.
If you or your team are filtering the list of available Pay Plans, you may have noticed that setting the Default Pay Plan didn't always work as expected. We've applied a fix that corrects this bug. Now when you set a Default Pay Plan in conjunction with using the Pay Plan filtering feature of the My Settings page, the Default Pay Plan will work correctly.

Default Pay Plan list on the My Settings page:

Available Pay Plans list on the My Settings page:

Saturday, September 01, 2007


End Of Summer (Photo Friday)

The end of Summer is drawing near. I had a meeting in Boise, Idaho this last week. Rather than fly to Boise, my family and I decided to visit some family in Idaho, so we drove for 13 hours to Pocatello. Then I drove back 3 hours to Boise. A lot of driving, but it was nice to see my family and the scenery was beautiful. Next week, I'll post some more information on the September Subscriber Group meeting.

Between Boise and Pocatello
Southern Idaho

Old Town Boise - Cool Coffee Shop
Boise Historic District - Cool Coffee Shop

Old Town Boise - New Boise In The Background
Boise Historic District