A Few Updates To Version 2
I've made a couple of updates to the searching features in Version 2. Here's a summary.
My Jobs
On the My Jobs table the way you can search for job codes has changed. Rather than making an exact match to a job code, the search will return both exact matches and matches that start with the search criteria.

Plus, I changed the photo on the sign-in page. Holy smokes, it's been the same picture for years. Time for a change!
I chose something abstract and dynamic. For posterity sake here's a screen shot of the before and after. Okay, it's not a big change but still it's nice to see something new.
My Jobs
On the My Jobs table the way you can search for job codes has changed. Rather than making an exact match to a job code, the search will return both exact matches and matches that start with the search criteria.
Here's an example of a search for a job code. Searching for "03" in this example returns 10 rows. Ten jobs in this example have a job code starting with "03".

You can still search for a specific job code.
Search Surveys
I've changed the way the searching on survey data works slightly. In the past you needed to use a wildcard * character to specify that you wanted to search for all instances of a certain word. You no longer need to use the wildcard. For instance, a search for job titles that have the word "account" in them is achieved by searching for account rather than account*
Also, the survey job summary search feature is up and running. This feature had been offline due to some technical issues.
Sign In Page Graphic
Plus, I changed the photo on the sign-in page. Holy smokes, it's been the same picture for years. Time for a change!
I chose something abstract and dynamic. For posterity sake here's a screen shot of the before and after. Okay, it's not a big change but still it's nice to see something new.
Labels: my jobs, photo, search, search jobs, search surveys, sign in, updates, version 2